Tuesday 3 March 2009

Qualitative versus Quantitative Data Analysis

I thought it would be prudent to explore the meaning of both of these words and try and formulate an independent definition of each for my own understanding. This was the result of much pondering!

The definition of 'qualitative' research is:
'An organized study of a transitive and sequential nature, which accumulates a body of knowledge that could be both affirmative or negative, but is of intrinsic standing and worth to the researcher, due to its culminating features.' Horsley, 2009
However the overall feature of qualitative research is indeterminate, as it has no numerical meaning.

The definition of 'quantitative' research is:
'A logical and systematic study, determinant in its purpose for accumulating quantifiable and measurable data, to corroborate or contradict the researchers initial intentions.' Horsley, 2009
Hopkins states:
'Concepts of validity are of great importance to both quantitative and qualitative researchers. However, the latter has historically been charged as employing non-scientific methods in its analysis and thus, some would argue, as not being valid.' (2008:p.138)
For McNiff et al (2003:102) any data collected only becomes evidence when it can substantiate a line of reasoning, from supposition to certainty in practice. 

However, if evidence is to be the source of validation, then we need to be looking at all the facts. But if we only look toward measurable data, could this not be considered shortsighted. Could we not miss a fundamental truth if, as researchers, we do not consider the whole story and pithy those taking a more holistic approach.

Research is a collaborative partnership. Our intention as teachers doing research, is fundamental, our desire is to improve practice in delivery and enhance the experience for the recipient, our learners. The students centered approach has become an innate part of pedagogy today, as has humanism. We talk of equality and diversity, of feeling and values, how can we not ignore qualitative analysis in the pursuit of quantitative data. 

McNiff et al propose:
'You can judge the quality of your work as an action researcher by the extent to which other people begin to think and act in a way that is in harmony with your educational values.' (2003:p.103)
What we treasure is a reflection of what we are disciplined with. It is what we value that determines what we do with our time. Investments should be long lasting not temporary. Education is the acquisition of knowledge, not just an exercise in ticking boxes. It is both qualitative as well as quantitative.


  1. Hai…you have posted great article, it really helpful to us.. I will refer this page to my friends; I hope they will like to read.
    Quantitative Data Analysis

  2. Observation is a qualitative research method where researchers gather data by observing people’s behavior or events in their natural setting.
    Qualitative Analysis


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