- Introduction and setting
- Collection of data
- Hypothesis and rational
- Intended Solution
- Theories: Kurt Lewin's cycle of planning action and fact finding on action research. Specific or ambiguous. Reconnaissance process of observations. Piloting first solution. Plan amended then second cycle of pilot.
- Theories: Kolb's cyclical model of experiential learning.
- Theories: Schon's reflection in-action and on-action.
- Theories: Cohen & Manion on question formats.
- Product - what do I want to produce / achieve
- concerns and summary
What aspects of my professional practice am I currently interested in developing:
First idea: resources
- Better access to shared resources
- Development of contextual resources designed to empower students to take responsibility for their learning and to encourage self reflective practice, as this seems to be the initiative for employers today.
- Where and how resources are saved and the format in which resources are developed.
Second idea: teaching strategies
- To explore strategies that help disengaged students to re-engage with learning.
- Classroom strategies for managing the NEET learner
- Behavioural strategies for the NEET learner
- Development of emotional strategies for helping NEETs to express and overcome individual barriers to learning.
Third idea: Evaluation of induction process to see if it can be changed to;
- Enhance tutor group cohesion.
- Improve retention of students
- Improve attendance and punctuality
- Promote and encourage more proactive learning from students